SET provides wide range of coal fired steam boilers; Coal fired steam boilers are one of
the indispensable equipment in the production process of major enterprises. Energy and
Steam produced from coal fired steam boilers is cheaper and more affordable than any
other energy sources. These boilers are widely used in Textile, food, beverage, feed,
chemical, medicine, paper & board, dyeing units, Refinery, tobacco, plastic rubber,
oilfield, leather, cement etc.
SET Industrial Services with its Chinese principles have designed coal boilers which
performs reliably, environment friendly and highly efficient on Pakistani coal with 4%
Sulphur contents same as on imported coal. FBL Offers coal boilers with High efficiency,
wear resistance, Large furnace, low velocity design; the application of wearproof tube
technology, reducing erosive abrasion. The boiler is designed to extend the time takes
to travel on chain grate to burn the coal completely to fully utilize it.
Boiler Type:
Firing System:
Fuel Recommended:
Key Features: